Students applying to LCS are required to provide their own mentor who must be presented and approved by the seminary administration as part of the application process. Mentor applicants must meet the following qualifications in order to be considered for approval by the seminary administration:
(1). Full subscription to the Westminster Confession of Faith 1788 American Revision (only minor exceptions to the Confession will be considered; mentor applicants who subscribe to the 1658 Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order or the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith may also be considered), and
(2). Master’s degree in a theological discipline to mentor ATS students; M.Div, Th.M., or Doctoral degree in a theological discipline if mentoring BTS, B.Div., MBS, MTS, or M.Div students; Doctoral degree in a theological discipline if mentoring Th.M. or doctoral students. The mentor does not have to reside in a location near you as long as you can maintain regular phone and email contact.
Students are required to contact their mentor each month via email or phone to report on progress, even if no progress is made during that particular month. Students who miss three consecutive monthly contacts will be dismissed from enrollment at LCS.
Should a mentor become incapable of fulfilling his mentoring responsibilities or request to be dismissed from these responsibilities, the student must immediately postpone study and present a new mentor candidate for approval. Studies may resume after the new mentor candidate is approved.
Mentor Expectations:
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